Are you insured? |
Yes, fully. We have comprehensive business insurance that covers acts of negligence, loss and accidents.
We are also insured for Pet Taxi Services. |
What areas do you cover? |
Pick Up/ Drop off Area includes:
Sneinton St Anns Porchester Road Colwick Loop Road (Trent Lane End) Wilford Lane Gamston Compton Acres Central West Bridgford Ambleside Lady Bay Edwalton |
Can any breed join? |
No dogs listed on the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 (or any mixed breed with these dogs) will be considered for either group. The dogs listed within the Act are:
My dog has health issues, can they still join? |
There is no simple answer to this, it depends on what the health issues are. For example dogs with long term, well managed conditions such as skin allergies, diabetes, poor hearing or vision difficulties would be able to join.
Dogs with chronic pain, joint issues, heart/ breathing difficulties would struggle with the terrain and pace of the group and would not be suitable. A walking service that provides 1:1 care would be more appropriate for these dogs. |
My dog is nervous/ anxious/ reactive. Can they join? |
We often approached by owners that are experiencing behavioural issues with their dogs, usually as the dog enters adolescence. Unfortunately, for dogs with such issues, overexposure to highly stimulating environments is not helpful to them or the group. We are happy to recommend local trainers to help with these issues.
We do not accept any dogs with a history of aggression, regardless of the cause. |
Can the dogs 'playfight'? |
Absolutely not. This behaviour can quickly escalate to over excitement and bring instability to the group. The group are under constant observation and instruction and where a dog becomes over stimulated it will be popped on the lead for a time out and space to disengage emotionally.
My dog is in Heat! Can she still come? |
A bitch in heat can not be walked with the group. Regardless of whether the group is all female. A bitch in heat is typically 'not herself' during this time. She may be; lethargic, emotionally unpredictable and easily irritated which can destabilise the group. Other bitches in the group may also become over stimulated by her scent and the risk of fights is dramatically increased.
Alternative arrangements will need to be made from day 1 to day 21 of the heat cycle. (Some bitches may have shorter or longer cycles. Please remember bitches ovulate towards the end of the cycle!) Once the heat cycle has completed the bitch should be thoroughly washed before re-joining the group to ensure the scent of heat is removed. |
My dog isn't aggressive but they don't like sharing toys. Can they still join? |
In short, No. Resource guarding behaviour with toys will inevitably lead to a fight occurring and often spills out to the things such as water and treats. Although toys aren't a feature of every session, they are used. We often enjoy ball/ stick/ bubble games and its essential that all dogs are able to freely enjoy playing and able to share the fun.
Do you have a waiting list? |
Yes we do but most people want specific days and it can be unpredictable what will come available, so its always worth getting in touch with your query. I recommend getting in touch when you get your new puppy. All puppies start off in the Little Bears to build their confidence and at the right time (if needed) transition up to the Big Bears.
We only add one new dog to the group at a time and I like to let the pack settle for at least a month before changing the group again. The happiness and safety of the groups is our first priority. |
Why do you have a 2 session a week minimum? |
It's helpful if you think of their time at Big Bear Dog Walking like school! Each dog has their best friend, friend they jump around with, class mate they're not keen on and their own unique place in the pack. Its important to maintain those relationships with other dogs and also with me. Of course there will be times when you go on holiday or just have time off work to relax together, that's absolutely fine, but on typical weeks, maintaining twice weekly sessions helps maintain your dogs happiness and stability within the group.
Do you do solo walks? |
This isn't a service we provide but we know a lot of Dog Walkers in Nottingham so if we can help point you in the right direction, we will.
Do you have any age restrictions? |
As long as your dog has completed its first set of vaccinations and has the all clear from the vets to start exploring we can accept dogs from 14 weeks old. For very young pups we carry a puppy sling to provide short rest periods.
There's no upper age limit - our current oldest dog is 13 years old and still loves following the young ones about! |